07 September 2008


I am taking a break from unpacking today because my arms and back are so stiff that its hard for me to even fold laundry. Its not like our stuff is going anywhere. I have plenty of time to unpack and go through things. I cannot wait until Hubby comes home and he can go through his things and purge. He has promised he will and I am gonna nag him on that promise lol.

I should be working on getting the rest of the office unpacked and I may just do that later since its not that labor intensive compared to my other unpacking activities. I got my printer unpacked yesterday and I may just print off a brochure I made up to see how it looks. I am trying to figure out what to put down on a postcard introducing my business. I need to put a blurb about the business and what it does. I really don't want to copy and paste information from my website. I will most likely come back to this after I have had some time to get into a creative mode.

I just wish it looked like things were in some sort of order. All it looks like I have done is just shove things where it was easiest. You should see the office space, which is a converted garage space. Oh lord its a mess in here. I look at it and get so overwhelmed. I have no idea what to do at this moment. I think its going to have to wait until my sanity returns, which may not be until the deployment is over.

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