11 July 2011

Journaling To Change Your Life

I found this great blog post by Lillian Gaffney about raising your vibration in 30 days through journal writting. The blog entry on the topics for the 30 days can be find here: http://lilliangaffney.com/NMUjM/

Now, we all know that I am not the greatest at keeping up with things like this. However, I am going to try my best to complete all of the 30 days. I am sure there will probably be some days where I don't post and entry, as well as other days where I try to do a few at a time. Today, just might be one of those days. I figure that there is nothing to loose in trying this out and I could use some inspiration to let the things that are floating around my brain keeping me up at night out.

The Law of Attraction is something I have talked about before and sadly, I have been in a pretty "stuck" place as it were in terms of my vibration. I know things need to change and can feel that big changes are coming, but *I* am blocking myself from allowing things to change due to my attitude, thoughts, etc. I have had pretty good success with manifesting in the past, when I was in the right frame of mind and I am trying to get back to the place of allowing good things to come my way.

So, the post following this will be my first entry in raising my vibration in 30 days. I plan to also do my regular blogging and I guess we will find out from those how things are going.

Wish me luck!

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