04 January 2009

Its Been One Of Those Days

I should have just stayed in bed today. My hormones have me feeling all mopey and weepy, though I cannot seem to squeeze any tears out. I had a really good dream last night and woke up feeling well rested. Its been a week since I had a deep enough sleep to have a dream, let alone something that vivid. Oh and for all my mind in the gutter readers, no, the dream was not erotic.

Right about now I want to go outside and scream at mother nature. Its snowing again and I really could deal with not seeing any more snow until next December. This is the Pacific Northwest for crying out loud! Its not a lot thankfully.

Hubby must be on a long ass mission cause I have not heard from him on the phone in a few days. I did get that one email though so I guess that is good. Now, if I could just get him to cut his spending down I think I would be even happier. *sigh* Its an ongoing battle, that I always seem to loose. That's another story that I will not go into on my public blog.

I think we have hit another wall during this deployment. December flew by so fast and I swear January is just dragging already. Today has really been the longest day for me in awhile. Its only nine p.m. and I feel like its much, much later. I hope that once AAMI starts in full swing that the time flies by much faster. I do not think I will stay sane if this is how its going to be for the rest of the deployment.

Well, I better go watch some mindless drivel of tv. At least until The Unit comes on ;)

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