28 March 2009

Package From Iraq

The package that Hubby sent me arrived today. I burst into tears when I started reading the letter. *sigh* I miss him terribly. He misses me terribly as well. The proof on that is the letter and the mixed CDs he made me. The only problem with the package: He sent me an iPOD with NO cords or headphones and it does not even turn on. So much for downloading some music, etc to it.

Hubby told me the last time that he called that eventually he will be going out of contact for a month. I am totally terrified of this. We have never in our almost four years together as a couple, gone that long without talking. I think the most has been 1.5 weeks. I am trying really hard to have faith in the Gods that they will protect my Hubby, but my brain is doing a lot of "what will I do without him?"

My plan for this time, assuming he can tell me he is leaving, is to throw myself even harder into school and work on promoting my Doula business more. I will of course continue working out with Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred DVD and I might add in Pilates again just to add in some more focus on my core.

I have said this multiple times in my blog and I am going to continue it again. I have a VERY good feeling about how things are going to turn out this upcoming year. So much so that I was practically on cloud nine while doing my Treasure Map this year. Here it is:

I absolutely love my Treasure Map this year. I had not planned on it being this big, its the biggest one I have done in the 3 years I have been treasure mapping. I saw the poster board and it just called out to me. I spent hours cutting out the images from magazines and switched the layout of things a couple of times. Then, I spent yesterday gluing it down and changing the layout some more.

This year is going to be fabulous. I can feel it.

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