04 March 2009

Dear Deployment

You suck. Plain and simple you are making my life miserable right now and I want you to die a fiery death. I just want my husband home to help me deal with all this minor crap that I have no experience in handling. I mean seriously, ceiling leaking? Yes, I called the landlord, she thinks its because the siding is being replaced. Oh and today, not one but two, yes TWO, outlets stopped working. The one the siding guys used all day yesterday outside and the only outlet in the bathroom as well. We tested EVERY single outlet in the house and reset the breakers, everything works except for these two.

I am really pissed at you for only letting me talk to my husband for one hour total over the last 3.5 days. You get him for so much more time than I do, why can't I get a long conversation? Especially when I am feeling so blah about things. Why can't you go by faster too. I know that we are moving at a pretty rapid pace right now as it is but, blurring speed would be good at times too.

I know my husband signed up for this and to some extent I did as well. It does not negate the fact that I am allowed to have a shitty moment. I know that he is just doing his job but, shit. I just want some time where we don't talk about mundane stupid shit.

Basically if a deployment was a person, I would be flipping it off and cursing it out. Oh wait, I am already doing that. Yep, I have cracked some more today.

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