18 March 2009

Seven Months Down

Here we are, another month of this deployment is over. Too bad we still don't know for sure when they are all coming home. We've heard rumors about it and if you know the military at all, nothing is ever true until its actually happening. I do know that the FRG will begin planning the homecoming festivities starting next month, not that it effects me because the unit DH is attached to is about 3 hours up north and we won't be celebrating there as far as I know.

I ordered my dress a couple of days ago. I am so nervous about fitting into it. FedEx says it should arrive tomorrow! I get to try it on and either jump for joy or cry a little bit. If its too tight that just gives me more motivation to workout and kiss some of this weight goodbye. I am pretty sure I am over 10 pounds lost at this point, I don't own a scale so its hard to tell. I do know that parts of my size 10 jeans are starting to get loose.

I may have to add Tae Bo back into my routine instead of just doing 30 Day Shred. I really want this weight to come off, I just don't want to push myself so hard that I quit working out. This is probably the longest I have ever consistently worked out, not counting high school P.E. Part of me wishes that it was coming off faster. On the other hand, slow and steady weight loss is probably for the best because it will last longer. I am definitely more committed to this now. I can't wait to see the look on Hubby's face when he sees me though. Its going to be great.

I have so much left to do between now and when he comes home. I have to get the house ready (mostly decluttering my school stuff from the living room) and pick out food he is going to want to eat the first few weeks. Oh and I have to save up enough money so that we can go to the Bed and Breakfast we were looking at. We've never been to one and since we rarely take time for ourselves, I thought this would be the perfect excuse.

I am going to be honest. I am completely nervous about him coming home. Probably more so this time than the last deployment. By the time he comes home it will be close to a year since we have seen each other in person. The last deployment he got R&R and we only went 8 months total without seeing each other in the flesh. I am worried that I will have not lost enough weight to be happy with myself and that he will notice that. I am worried that things are going to be super awkward and different between us. Now, I know that some of these fears are totally normal for deployments. I just wish I could know for sure.

I could totally use some good news today and a phone call from Hubby.

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