14 January 2009

Its Official!

I am now officially a student midwife! Even with it being completely official, I am still in shock. I honestly cannot believe this is happening. If Hubby were here, I would probably ask him to pinch me lol. I told my sister it was official and she says to me "that's great, now you know how I feel being a student again!"

I stayed up entirely too late last night finishing off Twilight. The people that call that book "literary crack" was dead on. I could not put the book down, even when I realized it was close to 3 hours past my usual bedtime. Even after a workout this morning I feel like a complete zombie. So much so that my left eye keeps twitching involuntarily, which is rather annoying.

My Mom is coming over tomorrow to spend the night. She wants to go to the Casino on one of the nights that they have drawings and such. I better wash the pillow the cat sleeps on or my Mom is gonna wake up all puffy eyed. She is slightly allergic to cats and cannot get cat hair in her eyes or she looks like she has been smoking something she shouldn't. She is also taking me grocery shopping on base. One of these days I am going to start driving again *sigh*

Speaking of driving, I still have not received our Forester. Hubby keeps getting told that its coming and it just never shows up. Supposedly his buddy will be bringing it up on leave sometime within the month. If he does not, he faces military action against him for fraud. I guess its a good thing that we have not started making payments on it, since those are deferred until the deployment ends. If there even IS a Forester. We are both in the "believe it when we see it stage" of this car buying situation.

Hubby is having a very tough time right now. So much so that I cannot really go into it on my public blog. Right now, he has an injured knee. Its in a brace and he is in a lot of pain. He is not allowed out on mission at this moment cause he would just be cannon fodder if they had to dismount. The good thing about this is that I got to talk to him for several hours over different time periods yesterday. It was on Yahoo messenger but, it was still nice. The best part was that I got to see him on webcam! Its been three months since I have seen his face. Even better, is he tells me that he now weighs more than I do! Hubby is definitely bulking up, I can see it and I like it.

I can tell that things are going to go very well this year. I just have an amazing feeling about everything. Soon enough this deployment will end and I will have my Hubby back. We can get on with the part of our lives where he is home. Hopefully, he will not have another deployment for two years instead of just nine to ten months between.

Right now, all is well.

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