18 February 2009

Six Months Down

Today is the sixth month mark since Hubby deployed. I am a bit more grouchy about it than I should be. Of course that could also be because I am sick and here I thought I was getting healthier lol.

I got to talk to Hubby for a few minutes this morning. I had literally just woken up so it was perfect timing on his part. We did not really talk about anything serious, he let me know that his Myspace was deleted because he had pictures of himself in Iraq and apparently Myspace thinks that is bad all of a sudden. I am a bit peeved about that because I write him little love notes in his comments section. He still has not made it to his new base and has no idea when the move will happen. He is a bit upset over it, he hates being in limbo and wants to get back to his job.

We still have no idea about when they are returning from this deployment. We keeps hearing rumors, but nothing concrete yet. I think it would really help my sanity to get some dates already. I miss him terribly and am just wanting to get on with our lives together.

I still have a good feeling about this year. I am definitely looking forward to it and next year as well. Things are going to keep getting better, I can feel it.

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