15 November 2008

The Holidays Are Nearing

I am once again not looking forward to the holidays. Its quite depressing to have to mail off presents to the two other members of you family because they cannot be here. Then, I have to put on a happy face to celebrate with my side of the family who does not even acknowledge that I have a family of my own. Not to mention that they don't celebrate the same holidays as we do. I have done it once before I can do it again.

Things have been pretty good today. I finished The Five Love Languages and packed it up in a box for Hubby. While it is a Christian based book, it provides some really good information. I tend to gloss over the overtly Christian pieces. Hopefully I can find a Pagan based book along the same lines some day. Either way it is a really helpful book and I have read it several times.

I am hoping to get Hubby's Solstice gifts out soon. My Mom is buying them for me so that he does not find out about them. He is going to be so happy when he gets them. I will have to get him some boxes of food and snacks out after the holidays. I just don't have enough money for shipping a bunch of boxes at a time. I will soon though. I know he has requested brown sugar and cinnamon pop tarts, slim jims and baby wipes. I know that is a random assortment of requests but, that is what he is craving in regards to food right now. The baby wipes are for if he cannot get a shower that day.

I plan on making him cookies and other goodies to send over this deployment as well. I really wish I had one of those food saver things, where I could vacuum pack any of my home baked goodies and not worry about them getting too hard. Maybe I should request that for Solstice lol.

Oh well. Things will continue to get better and each day is one day closer to the end of this deployment.

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